A.C.E. Mallard Decoy Line
Product Details
An American icon, the Mallard.
This ubiquitous duck is the most common and widespread of all of the Northern Hemisphere’s waterfowl. These big ducks are incredibly strong fliers, cooking through the skies at 55mph on whistling wings. As voracious eaters, mallards are extremely adaptable. In the South, leaving in the dark to feed in rice fields and heading back to roost in flooded timber in the late morning. Hammering waste grain, like corn, in the North. This high caloric diet lends them to being some of the finest table fare available in the wild.
This is America’s duck, with their bright green heads adorning duck straps from California to Maine. They make up the bulk of the national waterfowl harvest, every single year. The only species so popular, that many selective hunters are anointed with “Purist” following it’s name.
The DSD Mallard is officially here! For over ten years our most requested project has been a floating mallard decoy. A few seasons ago we all sat down and hammered out a game plan. A decoy with the soft feathery A.C.E. finish that has been so deadly on geese all these years. Dave’s immaculate attention to detail in each sculpture. The perfect color matched paint job to represent full plumage adult drakes and hens.
We spent years on this project, keeping it totally secret, while we tweaked sculptures, adjusted paint schedules and R&D’d what was the most effective iridescence in the field. We found ourselves with a Mallard decoy that floats and moved like an old school cork block. A dead flat paint job (minus their brilliant multi-layered green heads) and a completely game changing keel design, made right here in the USA.
Includes: (2) Rester Drakes, (2) Mid Drakes, & (2) Semi-Rester Hens
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