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Feeding Hen
Product Details
The Feeding Hen’s natural, relaxed posture gives birds the confidence to approach your decoys. Add one or multiple Feeding Hens to your spread to give it the look that there is no danger in sight. A great decoy to add to any existing decoy setup, especially for field hunting.
Like all our turkey decoys, she is made out of our legendary A.C.E. Technology which means that she is built to take a beating. There is no inflation required, so her rugged body will always hold it’s natural shape. She can even withstand an accidental shotgun blast or broadhead through the body with only minimal damage. Made in the U.S.A.
Includes: (1) Feeding Hen, (1) Hen Turkey Stake, and (1) Camo Bag with Shoulder Strap
Decoy Weight (Bag and Stake): 3lbs
roger –
Most realistic hen decoy on the market today. I have a stuffed hen and she stays home now that I have the DSD’s.
Glen Bellew –
I have a DSD feeding hen that is about 6 years old. I added it to my previous purchase of an upright hen from the first year ACE technology was available. The paint under the body hasn’t quite held up as well as my original upright, but overall it still looks good. these decoys have very realistic poses and details that keep birds in the set longer!
Kevin H. –
I struggled between choosing this hen verses the upright hen. Ultimately, I chose this one because I thought that the feeding hen, with her head down, would cause the gobbler to come closer trying to get her attention. My purchase was not in vane, as I tagged out two years in a row since using this decoy.
Best decoy on the market hands down. They are so realistic that I got footage of a bald eagle picking it up off of the ground
Courtney Miller –
This is a fantastic hen decoy! Yes, I know it’s expensive, but it shows in the quality… plus it’s made in America! I chose this one hoping having her head down would get the toms in range. Last year I watched 2 jakes harass the heck out of her for 15 minutes. Pair her with a DSD jake and you’ll hopefully see a tom come in for a fight like I saw last season!
Joe Powell –
Looks great, super tough decoy. Always use the feeding hen in my spread
Phil –
The best turkey decoy on the market.
Dale Lafirira –
I have watched many longbeards walk past other decoys to get to the DSD. My buddy has the upright hen and I also have the Jake, very deadly combination!! We don’t use anything else anymore!!!
Lucas Mason –
I used it for the 2017 season and I have seen where toms and jakes call to the decoy, but I haven’t seen hens “talked” to them. I looked amazing and plan on using it over others years to come. I have seen hen decoys from $5 to $300 and this looks way way better.
mature8pointer –
this is the most realistic decoy I’ve ever seen.
Craig Young –
Both posture and color scheme on this decoy is on point in this decoy and I always have this decoy added to my decoy set in some way. I feel that it has a calming effect on stubborn toms and sometimes is the only decoy that has brought turkeys into bow range. I’ve killed several toms just by using this decoy alone, especially in late season after all the turkeys have just about heard and seen everything.
Jen –
Once you choose a DSD decoy, no other brand will come close! I’ve had great results with this decoy !
Ryan Prince –
The feeding hen and upright are the best decoys hands down. Couldn’t get my tag filled each season without them. Thank you Dave Smith Decoys.
Stephanie –
Most realistic decoy to use to bring the toms in for dinner!!! Def get your money’s worth!!
Carson –
Great decoy to draw them in close. So lifelike.
Mark McKee –
By far the best decoy I have used. Definitely have killed my fair share of gobblers over this decoy. Most realistic and durable decoy. Definitely worth the money!
Erin Smith –
Without a doubt, Dave Smith’s turkey decoys are the best hands down. I own all except the strutter and the new mating pair. Anytime of the season, anytime of the day, these decoys absolutely help get the job done. I’ve been using DSD’s since 2013 and I will never use any other decoys ever again! Great work, life long customer here!
Jerry elkins –
Unbelievable how well they work
I have the Jake and ferding hen comb I not the best caller but if you can just the Wild bird look at these decoys nine times out of ten you kill a bird. They ate awesome and well worth the money. Thank you fave for making turkey hunting more fun
Dean Kreuziger –
Dave Smith Decoys are bar far and away the best turkey decoys on the market! I use these decoys for at least 8 weeks straight during the spring turkey season. They’ve been with me in 8 different states….same result. These decoys allow you to get turkeys in closer and keep them close! Can’t count the number of hunts where I never made a call……ALL DECOY! Thank you!
Matt Rodick –
Amazing………DSD decoys are the best on the market, hands down. Don’t waste your time on anything else. DSD decoys are an investment. I have all of the hen decoys and bought my first 9 years ago and they’re still a beautiful piece of art (along with attracting big toms too).
Jake walcott –
Hands down the best turkey decoy I’ve ever owned. Very realistic and durable. Great results and will be getting more in the future
Michael Braden –
This decoy is awesome. I looked at several different poses from several different manufactures and chose DSD for obvious reasons such as attention to detail, realism and awesome paint. I can’t wait to try the other DSD that I have on order this season. You get what you pay for but with DSD you get more
John Heiney –
A decoy spread is not complete without one of these feeding hens in it. It helps give your spread a complete look, and will most definitely work as a stand alone decoy to attract even the most weary of toms. I love using this along with a leading hen. Very deadly combination later in the season when some birds may shy away from confrontation.
John Heiney-Giving Thanks Outdoors
John Heiney-Giving Thanks Outdoors –
A decoy spread is not complete without one of these feeding hens in it. It helps give your spread a complete look, and will most definitely work as a stand alone decoy to attract even the most weary of toms. I love using this along with a leading hen. Very deadly combination later in the season when some birds may shy away from confrontation.
Dan Lara ll –
If used DSD Tutkey Decoys .
Honest opinion…… I’ve had other brands and I’ve had hens walk past other brand feeder Decoys and the hens always come to the DSD feeder hens and eat with the DSD decoy . I’ve had a hen strut to my DSD hen decoy . I’ve had tons and jakes breed feeder hen decoy and my breeder hen . I won’t go to no other brand decoy other than DSD .
Dan Lara ll –
If used DSD Turkey Decoys .
Honest opinion…… I’ve had other brands and I’ve had hens walk past other brand feeder Decoys and the hens always come to the DSD feeder hens and eat with the DSD decoy . I’ve had a hen strut to my DSD hen decoy . I’ve had tons and jakes breed feeder hen decoy and my breeder hen . I won’t go to no other brand decoy other than DSD .
Tanner Aleshire –
Most realistic decoy I have used. Had birds run right into them within 10 minutes of setting up!
Alex Holshoe –
A buddy of mine had a full flock of Avain X decoys and a full flock of DSDs. I most recently bought this Feeding hen after we tested both brands out. We tested both brands in both Michigan and South Carolina. Birds came to DSDs more often than not. They would come to Avain X birds but not if a DSD bird was in the mix. Most the immature Jakes and young Toms would fall for an Avain X Jake but we were looking for 3+ year old birds and those birds were too smart for Avain Xs. They always seemed to sercum to the realistic looks of the one and only DSDs! Hands down GREATEST DECOYS IN THE WORLD! Thank you! God Bless
Kevin Mahan –
I had a few DSD turkey decoys and bought this feeder in the Merriam’s paint scheme. Of course the great quality you would expect. I did think the Merriam’s scheme was a little on the bright side. Not that it shined in the sun, I just thought the color on it was a little bright. But, turkeys don’t seem to mind so another great decoy to use for years to come!
Ben Nicholson –
Last decoy you will need to buy. Very realistic, and very durable. Even after several seasons I’m amazed how effective it is.
Jerry Nicholson –
I use my feeding hen while bow hunting turkeys in the Fall. Most of the time it is the first decoy the birds go to. In Spring time, the feeding hen gets most of the abuse from real hens. I enjoy using my DSD decoys while hunting turkey. No matter the weather, DSD decoys always maintain a realistic look that draws birds in.
Kenny Vaill –
This is the only DSD I have, but its the best one. Looks lifelike and calms the real birds down for up close action. Would love to add to my decoy tool bag. Thanks for a great product and the chance for more.
Chris –
At this point I think I have 7-8 DSD turkey decoys. The feeding hen is still my go to decoy 95% of the time. The Toms just can’t resist a solo feeding hen, especially in a food plot or open field. They commit almost every time. These decoys are worth every penny. I’ll never buy anything else!!
Jon –
Most realistic decoy I have ever used. I highly recommend it.
Mike –
I have two feeding hens in my set. They give a “calming” effect to the set, birds are not spooked.
Brent Schroder –
This is the most realistic hen decoy available. Very tough material. Gobblers can’t resist this decoy along with the Jake decoy. It has taken a beating over the years with Jakes and boss hens all picking on it, mounting it and is still holding up strong!
Laurie –
Very realistic and works for me!
Dave Kelch –
I purchased the DSD feeding hen, along with the upright hen and a 3/4 strut jake decoy a number of years ago. OMG!! So realistic and stakes that actually work!! Have used them annually for the past few years in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida with 100% success!! Never had a bird become decoy shy, and called in toms for myself, my wife my son and my daughter. Two years ago, our son had graduated from college, became and RN, found the love of his wife (also a turkey hunter) and asked me if I’d give him MY DSD decoys as an extra wedding present!! Well, needless to say, I did (the upright hen had a few #5 shot rolling around in her from a tight shot on a gobbler) and I went right out to Cabela’s and was lucky enough to purchase all three (both hens and jake) on their after season price mark down!!
Hunted over NEW DSD’s last spring, and called in my wife’s Osceloa for her, which gave her the Grand Slam!! Thanks DSD for a GREAT product——and so realistic I’m half afraid to use the jake in a public area!!!
Darren Cree –
My buddy introduced my to DSD turkey decoys a half a dozen years ago, when he started showing me the ropes of turkey hunting, and I was stunned by how the birds responded to them. He has the Jake, and the upright hen. Love my Feeding Hen, she’s brought quiet a few Toms into their doom in her first couple of season, and she’s my go-to decoy if I’m only putting out one! Worth every penny.
Steve –
I own 3 dsd turkey decoys and this one might be my favorite. When I put all of them out they are impressive to look at. All of the dsd decoys I own still look picture perfect and work great.
Eric Heaven –
The feeding hen was my first Dave Smith decoy. I killed 2 longbeards over her the first spring and one of them was led in by a hen coming to check out the “new girl” in the woods. What made me a believer in this decoy was on the last day of the Pa spring season. I called a hen in, and after she saw the decoy, she ran to it and pecked the back of the decoys head for over an hour! She would have pecked longer, but I got up and walked toward her while filming to see how close I could get. 3 steps for those who care… The paint was worn off the back of the decoys head, the ground around the decoy was beaten down and a little muddy, and the live hen still tried to come back after I spooked her off twice!!! I have 2 other DSDecoys, but that decoy is ALWAYS in the woods with me.
Timothy Billet –
I have the feeding hen, the upright hen and the 3/4 jake. I absolutely love them! My only beef with them is that they are tough to carry in. However, I knew what I was getting into when I bought them. And the fact that I know I have the best looking decoys short of the real thing far out weighs that issue. So thanks DSD!
Mike Guilfoile –
Excellent Realism. The best looking decoy on the market.
Patrick Thomas –
This product is well made, realistic, durable, easy to set up, easy to take down, and made in the USA. I’m not really sure what else you’d look for in a hunting product.
Ian Nicely –
Best decoy that I have ever seen, used, or purchased. Quality product made by a quality company. Excellent customer service. What else is there to ask for?!
Josh Eversmeyer –
DSD are the most realistic decoys on the market, hands down. The quality and craftsmanship cannot be beat. Get one, you will not be disappointed!
Roger Montero –
There is not a more life like decoy on the market. I bow hunt for turkeys exclusively and I require the turkeys to be up close and personal. There is not another decoy that I wound trust
Brian Martin –
Best decoy I’ve ever owned. No more worries about the sun shining on you decoy and watching the toms run away!
Terry McEwan –
Purchased the feeding hen decoy 3 years ago, and have shot big Toms every season. This is so real life looking they can’t stay away, I even had 4 hens try to beat the heck out of this decoy last spring.
John R. –
Very realistic decoy. Extremely durable. Great product.
Bronson Lasley –
This decoy entices any Tom! Every time I’ve hunted and the birds have seen my decoys, they are in my lap in minutes! Great product.
Dan Germann –
Great decoys! I have every model of your turkey decoys by far the best I have ever used thanks!
Benji Thompson –
This was my first DSD purchase 5 seasons ago, shes still working great. As are all DSD Turkey decoys this little hen is puuur-fect. Paint colors on these birds and how life like they are with pose and shape. I have dragged my decoys around from the Southeast to the upper Midwest chasing bird’s they have outlast me hopes by several years and still look better than any other decoy fresh out the box to this day.
Brad Clapper –
I absolutely love these decoys. I just started using them 2 years ago. They are the most realistic looking decoys out there. Couldn’t tell you how many turkeys have come into the decoys and if you look away for a split second when you look back you almost can’t tell which one is real. Very light weight and durable. Not afraid to hunt over them or have them shot like other decoys. Looking to get the whole flock!
Chris –
Smacked a Tom at 13yds trying to breed my hen decoy! After my buddy watched numerous jakes and Toms run into our spread he went out and bought one of his own. Best decoys on the market!
Keith –
Great product. It is so life like that I had a hawk hit this decoy thinking it was lunch. Also had a hen come in and started pecking the back of the feeding hens neck . I then took a mature tom at 15 yards . All this happen the first day of season. These decoys a very effective.
Dan Mallia –
Really like using feeding hen decoys as it portrays a relaxed scene. Always have at least one or two in my setup.
Darren –
Most effective decoy I’ve ever used. Worth every penny.
Robert –
I live in California where birds are weary and tough to call in, but once they saw my hen decoy they wasted no time coming in.